WA Secure Profile Removal & Reinstall
Open System Settings
In the search bar, type “profiles” and then select it
Select the “Staff Device Configuration Offsite” Profile” then select the minus sign at the bottom of the window to delete it. You will be prompted for your computer password.
Connect your device to Woodward WiFi, visit wifi.woodward.edu, and log in using your woodward.edu credentials
Select the “Profile for macOS” option (middle option)
Install the Profile:
1.The downloaded .mobileconfig file will appear in the downloads. Click the WA Secure.mobileconfig file and the profile will open in a separate window or display a notification about reviewing the profile.
2. Navigate back to System Preferences>Profiles.
3. Double-click and Install the "Staff Onsite" Profile and follow any additional prompts to finish installing the Profile.
Connect to "WA Secure":
1. Click the Wi-Fi icon in the top menubar.
2. An indicator will appear next to connected network.
3. If WA Secure is not the connected network, select it to connect.