YouTube at Woodward Academy

On Woodward’s campus, YouTube restricts content so that only videos marked as safe for K-12 environments can be viewed by unregistered users. Woodward does not control which videos are tagged for requiring approval for students to watch, YouTube does. In some cases, videos that appear perfectly harmless may be tagged as needing approval for students to view. Below you will find all the necessary information you need to successfully use YouTube at Woodward Academy.

Signing-In to YouTube

To view additional content, you must be logged into YouTube with a Woodward account.


Indicates an unregistered user

 Is an approved Woodward user

To sign-in to YouTube as an approved user, please use the following credentials:


Password: e@gleyoutube

Note: If an account is already signed in to YouTube please confirm that it is the correct account. Occasionally users believe they are signed in but are still unable to view approved videos. In these instances users are signed in under a different account and must switch to a Woodward account.

It is important to note that logging into YouTube with an approved account does not remove the restrictions. All the account does is allow users to view videos that have already been approved by Woodward.

Note: If an account is already signed in to YouTube please confirm that it is the correct account. Occasionally users believe they are signed in but are still unable to view approved videos. In these instances, users are signed in under a different account and must switch to a Woodward account.

As you can see – this video is still restricted, despite an approved user being logged in. That is because Woodward has not approved this video.

How do I have a video approved?

If you intend on using a video from YouTube for teaching or presentation purposes then we highly recommend you take the necessary steps to have that video approved IN ADVANCE.

Email a direct link to the video to your Woodward event coordinator so they can approve it if is it not already marked as safe. If the coordinator does not have approval rights they should contact the IT helpdesk for assistance. Your coordinator’s contact information can be found on the next page.

If you own the YouTube video you want to show we recommend you save it to a USB drive and bring it with you.

Accessing Approved Videos

In addition to the above, you will also need the direct link to watch the video. Approved videos can only be viewed using the URL to the video itself. Searching for even the exact title will not bring the specific video up, you will have to copy and paste or follow a hyperlink to view it.